The exact shot by Haywood Hardy

The exact shot by Haywood Hardy

Still, a strange thing: loving meat dishes, some become refined aesthetes when it comes to hunting, because the latter involves the need to kill unfortunate animals. The contradiction is inescapable. Hunting should be professionals. Only they are able to receive aesthetic pleasure from the process and remain at the same time cold pragmatists. Unfortunate cases on the hunt are due not only to elementary negligence, but also because weapons are in the hands of amateurs, and even women. There is nothing to predict.

In one of the popular songs of A. Rosenbaum, duck hunting is sung. We see her fragment in the picture of Hardy Heywood. Placer of ducks and two hunters, who sat in the bushes. One of them seemed to be half-crouching, watching his friend aim and shoot. Judging by the name of the picture – “Exact shot” – the result is good. It’s autumn, the grass has dried up, often rains. And clouds in the sky of leaden light – immediately indicate the time of year. Of course, together with the hunters – a dog. While she even turned away and does not participate in the process. But we can assume that soon the lucky owner will send her to find and bring the trophy. And the dog rushes through the swampy terrain to follow the directions.

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