The entry into the battle of Micheletto da Cotignola by Paolo Uccello

The entry into the battle of Micheletto da Cotignola by Paolo Uccello

Paolo Uccello is an Italian painter, representative of the Early Renaissance, one of the founders of the scientific theory of perspective. Contemporary Masaccio, whose work had a great influence on him. Lived in Florence. He studied at the workshop of Ghiberti In 1415 he was admitted to the shop of doctors and pharmacists, and in 1424 – the brotherhood of St. Luke. From 1425 to 1430 he performed mosaics for the Cathedral of San Marco in Venice.

The most significant Florentine work of the middle of the XV century. in the Louvre meeting is one of the three scenes of “The Battle of San Romano” by Paolo Uccello, adorning the bedroom of Lorenzo de ‘Medici. The battle took place in 1432, about twenty years before these pictures were written. The left part depicts the heroic confrontation of the Florentines, led by Niccolo and Tolentino, the attacks of the Sients. In the central scene falls from the horse commander of the Sients.

The Louvre painting, which hung from the right, shows the Florentines, rising in spirit, and the Syenites, which are tightly bound to the Arno River. Currently, in the most advantageous position, from the standpoint of exposure, is the London picture, as it was cleared for a long time. The Louvre painting more than the other two, retained the original features of the performance, despite the darkened color layer. It looks like a set of leitmotifs of early Renaissance art. The trumpeter “The Battle of San Romano” as if notifies about the approaching scenes of battles that will be written by Piero della Francesca – and written, undoubtedly, taking into account Uccello’s samples.

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