The End by Kukryniksy

The End by Kukryniksy

Kukryniksy is the only tripartite community of artists in its kind. The friendship and the joint work of Mikhail Vasilievich Kupriyanov, Porfiry Nikitich Krylov and Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov began with the students. The circle of Kukryniks’ activities is very wide and diverse.

The authors of large thematic pictorial canvases, they also write chamber lyrical landscapes, illustrate works of classical literature. But most of all Kukryniksy are known as wonderful masters of political satire. In the poster, “Windows TASS”, in the pages of magazines and newspapers during the Great Patriotic War, their caricatures appeared, mercilessly branding Hitler and his henchmen, the moral insignificance, the beastly nature of these grief-conquerors.

Therefore, the artists in the days of the victory over fascist Germany emerged quite naturally and naturally in their desire to show in their new picture with all authenticity the deserved end of the “heroes” of their cartoons. To this end, they visited Berlin, carefully studied historical materials, descended into the shelter, where Hitler was hiding in the last days of the war.

The Kukryniksy aspired to convey the possible state of their imminent end to the Nazis as soon as possible, when a volley of Soviet guns crashed over their very head, crushing, obliterating the visibility of the comfortable comfort in the shelter, the illusion of the possibility of salvation, giving a clear sense of the reality of what was happening. This volley caused the demon-driven Fuehrer to jump out of his personal bunker. His pathetic figure with convulsive movements, distorted by the fear of a physiognomy, was sharply torn out of the gaping blackness of the doorway. Behind him, the frightened Goebbels is barely perceptible. In the room where the Fuhrer’s bodyguards are sitting, no one thinks about him, there’s no one here who does not care, here everything speaks of the infamous end of the fascists.