Escape of the fascists from Novgorod by Kukryniksy

Escape of the fascists from Novgorod by Kukryniksy

Hatred of enemies, love of the Motherland inspired artists to create a picture that affirmed the glory of Soviet patriotism in the centuries. These same thoughts were directed by the artists, when in 1944 they began to create the painting “The Escape of the Fascists from Novgorod.” In 1944, the Kukryniksy arrived in Novgorod liberated by the Soviet Army.

A terrible picture of barbaric destruction appeared before them. In the snow lay parts of the Nazi’s monument to the Millennium of Russia cut by the Nazis. The wounded, in the potholes of the shells stood the Cathedral of Novgorod Sophia – a symbol of national glory. To establish the permanence and eternity of the creations of Russian architecture, the immortality of a great culture – artists set the task before themselves, starting to create a picture. … Fascists fleeing convulsively with torches in their hands, trying to exterminate, destroy national shrines.

In the center of the picture stands a cathedral full of tragic beauty. Despite the purple glow of the fire, the cathedral stands on its native land as a stronghold, as the embodiment of the heroic glory of Russia. The fire is burning all around, the road is black from the burning, along which the arsonists run with torches, but the walls of the cathedral are snow-white, the figure of its silhouette is clean and clear. Illuminated with warm sunlight, a great monument of ancient architecture stands as a hero, full of greatness and strength, asserting the triumph of reason and the inevitability of retribution over fascist obscurantism.

A complex expressive composition, a skilful distribution of light and shadow, the artists gave the picture a great emotional sound. After completeness of the plan, the brightness of the incarnation “The Escape of the Fascists from Novgorod” is one of the most significant wartime paintings.

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