The Countess’s Death by William Hogarth

The Countesss Death by William Hogarth

“Fashionable marriage” was the first satirical series, ridiculing the mores of the upper strata of society. The theme of the series was a marriage of convenience between the son of an impoverished aristocrat and the daughter of a wealthy merchant. The last episode was preceded by a duel, which ended with the death of a count killed by an exposed lover. The action takes place in the house of the Countess’s father. After reading in the newspaper that Silvertang was executed, the Countess decides to poison herself.

A child is brought to the dying for farewell. Since there is a girl in orphans and there are no male children in the family, the title for which this marriage was arranged is lost. The countess’ father takes an engagement ring from her hand. On the right, the doctor talks to the servant, accusing the latter of acquiring poison. Through an open window you can see the old London Bridge. The dog, using the general confusion, got to the food lying on a plate. On the left on the wall hang paintings of Flemish artists, depicting the life of the lower strata of society, which speaks of the tastes of the owner of the house.

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