The altar images by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

The altar images by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Although, as already mentioned, Tiepolo was considered, mainly, a master of a fresco, his hand belongs to a number of outstanding altar images. His first altar image, he created for the Venetian church of Santa Maria della Consolacion.

As the glory of the artist grew, more and more orders came to him from different parts of Europe. In 1749, for example, the Spanish envoy in London ordered the altar image for the church of the Spanish Embassy in England.

The altar images of Tiepolo are surprisingly majestic and are distinguished by some theatricality of the composition. True, the last altar images of Tiepolo, written by him for the church of San Pascual in the Spanish town of Arances, 1767-69 are executed in a more muted manner.