Spring in Pontoise by Camille Pissarro

Spring in Pontoise by Camille Pissarro

“Orchard in bloom. Spring” – a picture, the idea of which Pissarro nurtured for a long time. In his work there were already landscapes, but he believes that Pontoise is exactly the place where the beauty of the spring garden has a magical charm, and he will be able to capture in the most original way the beauty of awakening nature. The artist specially leaves here, deciding to change not only the climate and nature, but also the technique of execution. All this, in his opinion, allowed to draw a landscape, which should become the embodiment of his creative dream.

Pissarro created on the canvas texture, resembling a bud, but just before its disclosure; This was accomplished with the help of a multitude of points applied to the canvas. They are different in shape, convex or flat, but by imposing them on each other, the desired result is achieved.

The colors are rich, thanks to which the picture is imbued with the expressiveness of spring, not held back by any obstacles. The brush strokes, executed in an energetic manner, in combination with a rich color, filled the landscape with vivid feelings, immersing the viewer into the world of pristine nature. Fascinates a certain understatement, present in the plot.

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