Self-portrait with Sir Endymion Porter by Anthony Van Dyck

Self portrait with Sir Endymion Porter by Anthony Van Dyck

Creativity Van Dyck, an adherent of Flemish realism, determined the development of the school of painting of the second half of the XVII century in the direction of secularism. The artist of exceptional talent and talent created images that characterize the whole epoch. The types of aristocratic and intellectual portrait developed by the painter influenced the further European portrait painting.

On the canvas the artist contrasts himself with Endymion Porter, who has a simple bourgeois background, but has achieved honor and high noble titles. To demonstrate the beautiful shape of the head, delicate facial features, laid-back elegant posture, the painter profited himself in a three-quarter turn.

The royal bed-house looks simple, there are no signs of innate nobility on his face. The fact that the men portrayed in the portrait are friends can be judged by the position of their left hands, symbolically lying on a stone. However, the artist’s brush at the same time is dressed in a leather glove, although his right hand, visible near the lapel of his cloak, is exposed. Perhaps this is a hint of the character of the friendship of the heroes.

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