Portrait of Zubov P. A by Johann Baptist Lampi

Portrait of Zubov P. A by Johann Baptist Lampi

Zubov Platon Alexandrovich – the last favorite of Empress Catherine II. A man of a close mind and poorly educated, but prominent in himself and fluent in French, Zubov began his career as a lieutenant of the Horse Guards. In 1789 Zubov was appointed adjutant and began to move extremely quickly in the service. In 1793 he is already an adjutant general and chief of the Cavalry Corps, in 1794. – General-Feldtsekhmeyster and Novorossiysk Governor-General, and his subordinate is Suvorov.

In 1796 he is entrusted with the command of the Black Sea Fleet. He concentrates in his hands, in the last year of the reign of Catherine, up to 13 positions in the supreme administration of the empire. In 1793 he is elevated to count dignity along with the entire family name; in 1794 becomes the most high prince of the Roman Empire. In the former Polish regions alone, he receives up to 13 thousand souls, with an annual income of 100 thousand rubles.

The Empress had boundless trust in her pet and rarely did it without his advice. Until 1793 the value of Zubov is moderated by the influence of Potemkin, but after the death of the last, Teeth becomes omnipotent at court. It goes to the highest military administration; in matters of diplomacy, he begins to play a huge role. Until now, the head of the foreign college, Earl A. A. Bezborodko in 1795. he was forced to actually cede his presidency to him. Power and honor made Zubov extremely arrogant and arrogant.