Portrait of the Roman Pope Innocent X. by Diego Velasquez

Portrait of the Roman Pope Innocent X. by Diego Velasquez

Painting of the Spanish painter Diego Velasquez “Portrait of Pope Innocent X”. The size of the portrait is 140 x 119 cm, canvas, oil. Innocent X, the Pope of Rome from 1644.

Innocent X dressed in a papal tiara at the age of 72 years, in these advanced years he was under the unlimited influence of the widow of his brother Olympia Muldakini, who in Rome for the eyes was called a papis. The main task of his board, Innocent X, considered getting money with all possible means. Extortion and corruption of the Roman curia reached an extreme degree.

A huge income for the Vatican and Innocent X, in particular, brought the “Greatest Universal Jubilee” of 1650, to which the pope invited the whole world with a special bull, promising forgiveness of sins. Having painted a portrait of Pope Innocent X, Velasquez created an extraordinarily bold image of frankness.

No wonder, taking the work of the artist, Innocent X exclaimed: “Too truthful!”. This portrait of the pope became the most famous painting of Velazquez outside of Spain, in Rome the portrait was copied endlessly by Italian and foreign masters of painting.

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