Signed : TITIANVS F. The letter reads : Al Mag. with il Sig. or Titian Vecellio… Venezia.
In the cartouche inscription XVII century : JACOBVS DE STRADA. CIVIC. ROMANVS. CAESS. ANTIQVARIVS. ET COM; BELIC: AN. YEARS. UC / MDLXVI The portrait comes from the collection of the Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in Brussels, after his death he moved to the Vienna meeting of the Habsburgs. Jacopo de Strada, a native of Mantua, was known as an artist, architect, archaeologist, collector and art dealer.
Was in the service of the Duke of Albrecht of Bavaria, then of the Habsburgs, At the Viennese court of Ferdinand I and Maximilian II, and the Prague court of Rudolph II. He was also a military adviser to all three emperors
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