Portrait of Mademoiselle Riviere by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Portrait of Mademoiselle Riviere by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

One of the most famous paintings of the artist. The figure of a girl in a white dress, like a statue, rises in the background of the landscape. Ingres strove to capture the beautiful face of a girl, to preserve in time such a fragile, such short-lived gift as youth and beauty. The girl’s round face is framed by a smooth hairdo, elongated eyes, black thick brows, bright full lips.

The artist somewhat changed the proportions of the girl – too elongated neck, protruding back of the nose – but this does not spoil the impression of the portrait.

The figure of the girl, her look expresses benevolence and proud self-esteem, however, with a slightly noticeable touch of sadness. It seems that the girl foresees her fate, since in the year of writing the portrait young Carolina dies.

Carolina’s father was the courtier of Napoleon. He ordered the artist three portraits – his, his wife and daughter.

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