Portrait of a singer holding a music sheet by Jean Honore Fragonard

Portrait of a singer holding a music sheet by Jean Honore Fragonard

Painting of the French painter Jean Honore Fragonard “Portrait of a singer holding a sheet music sheet”. The size of the portrait is 81 x 65 cm, canvas, oil. The painting has another simple name “Singing” and is also included in the series “Fantastic Figures.” Actually, in the series of portraits “Fantastic figures”, the decorativeness of the style of the artist Fragonard was particularly manifested, the portraits carry the spirit of the hedonistic culture of the 18th century.

The models are dressed in fantastic costumes and acquired a theatrical appearance. Fragonard refers to the olden days and simply fantasizes, the portraits are painted with intense colors, which give an even greater brightness to the flow of strong light. The words of Goncourt that “the colors of Fragonard are not the painter’s paints, but the words of the poet”, with all the grounds can be attributed to this series.