Persian Sibyl (fresco) by Michelangelo Buonarroti

Persian Sibyl (fresco) by Michelangelo Buonarroti

Persian Sibyl, fresco by Michelangelo Buonarroti, a fragment of the Sistine Chapel painting. The Persian prophetess – Sibyl, in the prophecies of which eastern wisdom and mystery are laid. Called Sambetou, she prophesied with ambiguous verses from her book.

On the fresco by Michelangelo, the Sibyl sits half-turned towards the viewer, renouncing the present. The artist completely hid her eyes, focused on things outside of this world. Vasari’s historiographer writes: “… Michelangelo wanted to express old age, not to mention that, wrapping her in clothes, he showed that time had already cooled her blood; peering into her, for her eyesight has already weakened. “

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