Narcissus and Echo by Nicolas Poussin

Narcissus and Echo by Nicolas Poussin

Narcissus is a wonderful young man whose parents were predicted that he would live to a great age. but never see his face. Narcissus grew up as a young man of extraordinary beauty; many women sought his love, but he was indifferent to all. When Narcissus rejected the passionate love of the nymph Echo, she dried out of grief so that only a voice remained of her.

The rejected women demanded that the goddess of justice punish Narcissus. Nemesis heeded their pleas. One day, returning from a hunt, Narcissus glanced at the unmarked source and saw his reflection for the first time, and so was delighted with him that he passionately fell in love with him, in his reflection. He could not tear himself away from the sight of himself and died of self-love. The gods turned Narcissus into a flower called a narcissus.