Madonna in the Rose Garden by Sandro Botticelli

Madonna in the Rose Garden by Sandro Botticelli

“Madonna in the Rose Garden” is a typical early Madonna of Botticelli. The Virgin Mary type organically combines the features of the heroines Philippe Lippi and Andrea del Verrocchio and at the same time is marked by the grace of the linear system characteristic of Botticelli already in the initial period of his work.

As in other Madonna master, written in 1469-1470, the composition is permeated with thoughtfulness and lyricism. The same with the transfer of plastic volumes. The artist is not addicted to the cut-off modeling. The decisive emphasis in identifying the forms he makes on the line. In outlining forms, its line admits irregularities in terms of the anatomical accuracy of the image. But these errors are due not to errors in the figure, but to the expression of Botticelli, which plays the leading role in his painting. And the main theme of the display for him is not the objective world, but the realm of dreams, imaginations.

The arch on the columns, repeating the shape of the picture frame, surrounds the figure of Mary, sitting on a stone bench, with the Infant in her arms. Botticelli managed to convey the three-dimensionality of the figure and the depth of space. Behind the back of the Madonna there is a garden with flowering roses, which are one of the symbols of the Virgin.