Leda by Correggio (Antonio Allegri)

Leda by Correggio (Antonio Allegri)

Each of the four paintings of this series, commissioned by Federico II Gonzaga, illustrates one of Jove’s love affairs. In the painting “Leda”, the Thunder God joins his beloved, taking the form of a swan. In the work “But” he appears as a cloud, embracing the girl.

In the picture “Danae”, Zeus penetrates into the bedroom of Danai, the daughter of King Akrisia. Danae was imprisoned by her father in her bedroom, as he heard a prophecy that his own grandson would kill him. But Zeus, to get into the girl’s bedroom, turns golden rain, and from his alliance with Danaia Perseus is born, who will later kill Akrisia. Zeus was captivated by the beauty of this boy and, turning into an eagle, took him to Olympus, where Ganymede became the cupbearer of the gods.

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