I think that the artist Gerasimov, you can call one of the talented. My attention was drawn to the painting “Still Life: Field Flowers”, in which vases are depicted in
Aya-Sofia by Alexander Gerasimov
In his foreign trips, the artist devoted considerable time to sketches from nature. An example of this can serve as “Aya-Sofia”, where the monumental interior of the Byzantine cathedral in
Portrait of the oldest Soviet artists I. Pavlov, V. Baksheev, V. Byalynitsky-Biruli and V. Meshkov by Alexander Gerasimov
A. Gerasimov. Portrait of the oldest Soviet artists I. Pavlov, V. Baksheev, V. Byalynitsky-Biruli and V. Meshkov [1944] “My group portrait was not accidental,” says the author of the canvas.
Gifts of Autumn by Alexander Gerasimov
The canvas impresses everyone who saw it, with its rich tones, subconsciously evokes autumn flavors and pushes to reach out to the berries of mountain ash. The still life depicted
Portrait of the ballerina O. V. Lepeshinskaya by Alexander Gerasimov
Possessing impeccable technique, Lepeshinskaya knew how to reflect in her every image created on the ballet scene her own, lively, sparkling character. The artist finds the ballerina at the time
After the rain (Wet Terrace) by Alexander Gerasimov
By 1935, having written many portraits of Lenin, Stalin and other Soviet leaders, AM Gerasimov was promoted to the greatest masters of socialist realism. Tired of the struggle for official
Noon. Warm rain by Alexander Gerasimov
Someone likes a storm, especially if it is in May. And I am ready to devote to this topic and poetry, and pictures. Thus, AM Gerasimov decided to please his
IV Stalin and Voroshilov in the Kremlin by Alexander Gerasimov
The ideological meaning of the huge canvas “IV Stalin and K. Ye. Voroshilov in the Kremlin” was to be revealed to every Soviet person clearly and clearly. Strong and unyielding