The most significant works were performed by the artist in the period from 1498 to 1509. Apparently, the work from the Louvre belongs to them. The plot for the picture

The most significant works were performed by the artist in the period from 1498 to 1509. Apparently, the work from the Louvre belongs to them. The plot for the picture
Stored in Prado “Rest on the way to Egypt” depicts the Virgin Mary, nursing the Infant against the background of the forest. The nature of Gerard David loses the undiluted
Picture of David Adoration of the Magi was written by him between 1515 and 1520, but according to the texture of the letter, according to all the numerous details, in
Picture Madonna with the Child, Saints and Donator painted by the artist around 1510. In fact, the plot of the work – Mystic betrothal of St. Catherine. On a dark