Crowning with thorns by Titian Vecellio

Crowning with thorns by Titian Vecellio

After Christ was condemned to the crucifixion, he was given to the soldiers for dishonor. “When they had divided him, they put a purple robe upon him, and plaited the crown of thorns, they put it on his head and gave him a cane in his right hand, and kneeling before Him mocked Him, saying: Hail, King of the Jews! And they took a reed and beat Him on the head, and when they laughed at Him, they took off the scarlet from Him, and put Him on His clothes, and led Him to the crucifixion. ” It is impossible without excitement to read these gospel lines. Such in them immeasurable pain and compassion to the Man, who took the agony for the sake of saving people!

The tragic force of Titian’s painting “Crowning with a thorns crown”, which conveyed the deep suffering of man and cynicism, cruelty of executioners. Look at their mechanical movements, notice how soulless and cruel their faces are!

All this terrible spectacle unfolds against the backdrop of an ominous form of architecture that oppresses its heavy might. The dusk is coming from all sides. He had already touched the depth of the portal, the arch, in which the bust of the Roman emperor Tiberius was erected. The glints of light glide anxiously through the figures, highlighting the naked worn out body of Christ with a bright spot. Among the muted colors, the cherry red cloth of the discarded purple scarf stands out particularly clearly, emphasizing the tension of what is happening.