This picture is one of the most popular works of the early Ciurlionis. The picture conveys the calm, immovable grandeur of the island that has spread over the fallen asleep

This picture is one of the most popular works of the early Ciurlionis. The picture conveys the calm, immovable grandeur of the island that has spread over the fallen asleep
Day “Day” from the cycle “Day” – despite all the seemingly negligence and fluency of the technique of execution – seems laconic. And this is because nothing here does not
Truth Externally – it’s just a man with a candle in the flame of which night moths burn. But peer into spiritual eyes – and the abysses are revealed… The
Heaven Probably, in all his work there is no more light and, at first sight, joyful picture than “Paradise”. It seems that in everything it is the opposite of “Truth”.
The origin of the architectural forms of Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis can equally be related to the East, and to various ancient civilizations – from Messopotamia and Egypt to Central America.
Ciurlionis lived with music – he remained a professional musician and composer, taught pianoforte and his painting always reflected not only his musicality, but reflected, in essence, his life inside