Boreas abducts Oreisia by Francois Boucher

Boreas abducts Oreisia by Francois Boucher

Painting of the French painter Francois Boucher “Borei abducts Oreifiyu”. The size of the painting is 273 x 205 cm, canvas, oil. Boreas, in Greek mythology, the god of the north wind, the son of Astrea and Eos. He was portrayed as a strong winged man. The home of Boreas was in Thrace, it was filled with cold and darkness. Turning around with his horse, Borey made contact with the mares of the ancient Attic king Erichtonius, from whom twelve foals were born, Harpies and Eriny Boreas also had horse progeny.

A number of myths describe the abduction by Boreas of the daughter of the Athenian king Orefiy. Unable to receive the hand of the beautiful Orefia, one of the daughters of King Erichtonia, by ordinary means, God Borei decided to use his true nature, which is peculiar to the deity of the cold and gusty north wind.

This story is told in detail by Ovid in the sixth book Metamorphosis, and the brush of the painter Boucher perfectly conveys the passionate narrative of the ancient author. Boreas, hidden by dark and stormy clouds, abducts Oreisia, while she was gathering flowers with her sisters.

Borei through the air moved Oreifiyu to his northern kingdom, where she later gave birth to him two twin sons named Boreada. A fallen tree in the foreground of the picture is one of the twisted oaks that Boreas pulled out with roots and broke, instilling fear and horror on the royal possessions. A popular story about the abduction of Boreas Orefii was often used in Greek vase painting and European art.