The image of Merlin came down to us from the depths of centuries of Celtic culture as an image of the educator, faithful counselor and spiritual defender of King Arthur.

The image of Merlin came down to us from the depths of centuries of Celtic culture as an image of the educator, faithful counselor and spiritual defender of King Arthur.
The creation of the Pre-Raphaelites, to the Brotherhood of which Edward Bern-Jones belonged, is closely connected with literature, with the works of the Italian Renaissance poet Dante Alighieri, the English
In the paintings of Bern Jones, contemporaries were attracted by the grace of pensive figures with their perfect beauty, bringing a nostalgic note. After a period of oblivion, the artist’s
William Morris, who met Berne-Jones while studying at Oxford University, was a prolific author who published stories, political articles, poems. The creation of this unfinished painting of the artist was
The reputation of Bern-Jones has already reached its peak when he began work on the “Silent Evening.” His paintings on the plot of “Sleeping Beauty” made a sensation when they
The work of the greatest poet of the English Middle Ages Jeffrey Chaucer made an indelible impression on EK Bern-Jones and W. Morris in his youth. Later it became for
Love among the ruins of Burn-Jones brings more than $ 22 million to London’s Christie on July 11, 2013. This sets a new world record for the artist’s creativity, the