Architectonic Angelus Millet by Salvador Dali

Architectonic Angelus Millet by Salvador Dali

One of a series of remarkable works in which Daly expressed his obsession with the idyllic picture of Millet ‘Angelis’. In an essay in 1938, ‘Tragic myth of Angela Millet’, he describes how the female figure in this picture linked in his perception with sexual aggressiveness, and her pose – with the pose of a female mantis, preparing to devour a male after copulation.

The fantastic shapes of the rocks near Cape Kreus, not far from the house of Dali, contributed to the transformation of the couple from the picture of Millet into huge similarities of menhirs or statues. Although the male figure is larger, she is doomed to wait when her neck touches a long sting, probably transformed from the forks that are on the original Mille.

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