“Woman in Furs”, written by the artist in 1919. This portrait portrays Dr. Mary Moralt, who treated Angelica, the daughter of Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant. The portrait is written in the same free and simplistic manner as the portrait of Mary Hutchinson, but it already shows the desire of Bell to the restrained color characteristic of her mature works.

Related Paintings:
- Femme en fourrure – Vanessa Bell “Woman in Furs”, écrite par l’artiste en 1919. Ce portrait représente le Dr Mary Moralt, qui traitait Angelica, la fille de Vanessa Bell et Duncan Grant. Le portrait a été...
- Mujer en pieles – Vanessa Bell “Woman in Furs”, escrita por el artista en 1919.Este retrato captura a la doctora Mary Moralt, quien trató a Angélica, hija de Vanessa Bell y Duncan Grant. El retrato está...
- Still life on the corner of the mantelpiece by Vanessa Bell This is one of the most famous still lifes of Vanessa Bell. She wrote it in her studio, using boxes, cartons and artificial flowers for setting the box. At that...
- Pond in Charleston by Vanessa Bell Two landscapes that are represented here, created by Vanessa Bell with a gap of ten years. “The Pond in Charleston,” written by the artist in 1916, is not yet free...
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- Conversation in Ash House by Vanessa Bell Typically English conversation in a typically English setting. On the left is the brother of the artist, Adrian. Opposite him, journalist Leonard Wolfe, the husband of Virginia, the sister of...
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- Portrait de David Garnet – Vanessa Bell Entre 1910 et 1916, Vanessa Bell écrivait souvent à ses amis et parents, préférant les représenter dans un cadre informel. Les portraits de Bell de cette période se distinguent par...
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- Retrato de David Garnett – Vanessa Bell Entre 1910 y 1916, Vanessa Bell solía escribir a sus amigos y familiares, prefiriendo retratarlos en un ambiente informal. Los retratos de Bell de este período se caracterizan por la...
- Portrait of Leonard Wolfe by Vanessa Bell “Portrait of Leonard Wolfe” refers to the 1930s. Vanessa Bell writes her sister’s husband with quick and precise masks, which makes this portrait look like a spontaneous sketch. Nevertheless, he...
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- Henrietta et Julian au Garden Pond à Charleston – Vanessa Bell Dans les années 1930, Vanessa Bell était classée parmi les artistes les plus célèbres de notre époque. Le départ de la peinture d’avant-garde n’a fait qu’ajouter à sa popularité. Le...
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- Portrait de Leonard Wolfe – Vanessa Bell “Portrait de Leonard Wolfe” fait référence aux années 1930. Vanessa Bell écrit le mari de sa sœur avec des balayages rapides et clairs, ce qui fait que ce portrait ressemble...