The architect, artist and first historian of Italian art Giorgio Vasari painted this portrait commissioned by Alessandro de Medici many years after the death of the person depicted on it.

The architect, artist and first historian of Italian art Giorgio Vasari painted this portrait commissioned by Alessandro de Medici many years after the death of the person depicted on it.
The voluminous multifigured composition, typical for the painting of Mannerism in the interpretation of Vasari, is filled with numerous symbolic figures and images, as always. The very image of the
You can watch this canvas for hours, so complicated, complicated and filled with symbols this extremely fanciful multi-figure composition. In its center is placed the figure of a woman with
In the portrait of his patron Alessandro de ‘Medici Vasari portrayed as a knight, a real lord and protector of Florence. This is clearly evidenced by the golden rod in
The picture is characterized by a multifigured composition and an original “multilayered” plot with rich hidden symbols. The canvas depicts Saint Luke, one of the evangelists, who painted a portrait
Artist, architect and art historian Vasari in painting showed himself as an adherent of Mannerism, that is, art that replaced the High Renaissance. The facial expressions and movements of the
The author of the famous “Biographies” appeared in this picture as a bright representative of the school of Italian Mannerism. This is evidenced by the unnatural poses of the characters,