The Song of the Stars by Victor Chernovolenko

The Song of the Stars by Victor Chernovolenko

There is an art that reflects the sensuous reality, and is the art that is addressed to the higher supersensible realms of being. Probably, these directions complement each other, and it would be wrong to oppose them. Such artists as Chernovolenko, expand the possibilities of art. It turns out that a painter can put his subframe not only in front of the usual objective world, but also in front of a reality that is hidden from the immediate view.

This reality in culture is called in different ways. For Plato it is a world of ideas, for the Christian – heavenly light, for the Roerichs – a fiery world. This is daring for art: to try to translate by its means the mysterious reality of Otherness. Viktor Tikhonovich Chernovolenko – among such daring, on his canvases the harmony of spheres is visible, they are saturated with radiations of the other worlds.

When we refer to the paintings of the artist of the last period, we find ourselves in the world of some unusual shapes and combinations of color, amazing rhythms, color and color harmonies. Paintings of small size, mostly watercolors, but they conceal in themselves the reflection of a huge world – a real world, unreasoned. Not everyone is allowed to see deeper and more familiar, traditional, based only on experience within the material world. … Each of them is one facet of the moment of the boundless Cosmos, where in the color, in forms, harmonies and rhythms the eternal Universe appears before us.

The artist’s paintings convincingly show the similarity of images by composition or color, rhythm or proportions with what was captured in one case in a photograph taken with the help of a space telescope, in another – on a film. In the watercolor “The Song of the Stars” there are several “columns” with which something is clearly happening. And on one of the photos obtained with the help of the Space Telescope. Hubble, astrophysicists studying the transcendent spaces of the universe, saw a clear image of the star-forming region in the constellation Snake. There, in the depths of dark clouds consisting of stellar dust and gas, mostly hydrogen, having the form of giant elongated columns, a star is born.

Millions of years will pass, and a new star will appear… The world is full of secrets, it is always a mystery. Perhaps, it is this feeling of the mysteriousness of being, its bottomlessness that is the main thing that gives us the creativity of Viktor Tikhonovich Chernovolenko. The theme of the coming before the mystery dominates in his amazing painting.