The contribution of the peoples of the USSR to the world culture and civilization by Ilya Glazunov

The contribution of the peoples of the USSR to the world culture and civilization by Ilya Glazunov

The UNESCO proposal to the great Russian artist Ilya Glazunov to create a panel reflecting the contribution of the peoples of the USSR to world culture and civilization was an act of high international recognition of his work. But how to solve such a difficult problem – in one picture to reflect the scale of the centuries-old achievements of more than a hundred peoples and nationalities inhabiting the territory of the former Russian Empire, and then the USSR, stretched on the sixth part of the Earth?

As is known, according to the decision of UNESCO, jubilee dates are annually celebrated, connected with the names of the most outstanding creators of the world civilization. And the artist, having presented recognizable textbooks of great scientists, figures of literature and art of different nationalities, as well as the fruits of their creative genius, manifested at different times, created the image of the embodied power of his Fatherland in the length of historical existence.

This work Glazunov, which caused a great response to the world community, was transferred by the Soviet government as a gift to UNESCO and took a place in one of the halls of the headquarters of this organization in Paris. Her Secretary-General, speaking at the ceremony of handing over the panel, said: “We are sure that everyone who comes to UNESCO – men, women, youth, – facing this creation, will feel the humane meaning in it, inspiring the development of creative opportunities in the name of happiness of people, peace and justice. “

International criticism noted the unusual coloring, courageous solutions and truly innovative presentation of such difficult expression.

French critics noted that only three artists with world names – Mirro, Picasso and Glazunov were invited to UNESCO.