In determining the years of creative development Raphael is located in Florence. Since 1504 the artist absorbs skills going on here Michelangelo and his talented colleagues Leonardo da Vinci. Prior

Santi Raphael
In determining the years of creative development Raphael is located in Florence. Since 1504 the artist absorbs skills going on here Michelangelo and his talented colleagues Leonardo da Vinci. Prior
Rafael was a happy artist. Absorb abundance honorable and grand orders, famed for its admirers, he worked quickly and cheerfully. Do not work for him was bitter anguish. Modern Rafael
Raphael – known painter of the Renaissance, who wrote for his short 37 years, a lot of famous paintings throughout the world. The greatest glory brought Raphael painting “Transfiguration of
Working on the “School of Athens” – a fresco on the theme of philosophy. Raphael painted a fantastic temple, the main nave which goes into the blue distance a number