Portrait of VE Meyerhold by Pyotr Konchalovsky

Portrait of VE Meyerhold by Pyotr Konchalovsky

In the period of mass repression, shortly before the arrest and death of Meyerhold, PP Konchalovsky created a portrait of this outstanding theatrical figure. For the director-reformer Vsevolod Emilevich Meyerhold, 1938 began dramatically: on January 7, the Arts Committee passed a resolution on the liquidation of the Meyerhold State Theater.

To emphasize the conflict of personality with the surrounding reality, creating a portrait of the director, the artist used a complex composition solution. At first glance it seems that the canvas depicts a dreamer whose dreams are embodied in colored patterns that cover the whole wall and the sofa to the floor. But, looking more closely, one can discern the painful apathy of the model, detachment from the surrounding world.

It is through the juxtaposition of a bright carpet, densely covered with ornamentation, and a monochrome-solved figure of the director, who is illusory jammed and entangled in the bizarre curves of patterns, Konchalovsky reveals the image.

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