Portrait of E. A. Naryshkina by Vladimir Borovikovsky

Portrait of E. A. Naryshkina by Vladimir Borovikovsky

Elena Naryshkina, Princess, daughter of the Ober-Chamberlain Alexander Lvovich Naryshkin, mother – Maria Alekseevna Senyavina, the daughter of the famous admiral. Elena Alexandrovna’s parents were close people at court and enjoyed the same location of the emperors of Paul and Alexander I. Young Elena Alexandrovna was a maid of honor of the Empress. She married Prince Arkady Aleksandrovich Suvorov for 15 years. This marriage was not happy for Elena Alexandrovna, her husband was not created for family life.

At 26, Princess Suvorova remained a widow with four young children. After the death of her husband, she went abroad, lived there for a long time, only occasionally and briefly returned to Russia, because her poor health required a stay in a warm climate.

In 1814, Princess Elena Alexandrovna was in Vienna, where her father, AL Naryshkin, was at the time of the Vienna Congress. At the brilliant balls and festivities that accompanied this unprecedented congress of emperors, kings and princes throughout Europe, Princess Suvorova, thanks to her beauty and charm, attracted everyone’s attention. It occupied a prominent place among the highest European aristocracy.

Elena Aleksandrovna possessed good musical abilities and a pleasant voice. Composer D. Rossini wrote in her honor a cantata for the well-known motif: “Oh, why there was a garden to fence,” which he repeated in the final of the second act of the opera “The Barber of Seville”. In 1823, Princess Suvorova entered into a second marriage with Prince Vasily Sergeevich Golitsyn and spent the rest of his life in the south of Russia, in Odessa, Simferopol and in the Crimean estate of her husband Vasil-Saray.