Perspective of the bowl by Paolo Uccello

Perspective of the bowl by Paolo Uccello

Vasari, with his inherent imagery and precision of expression, wrote: “Uccello drew so much that left behind him several chests full of drawings.” What happened to the drawings that stuffed the master’s chests, we do not know.

Only a few works of the artist in this genre have reached us. Most of them are now in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Among them there are several sketches to the master’s paintings that have survived to this day – including the “Monument to Condottier John Hawkwood.” It should be noted also the excellent geometric drawings of Uccello, where the artist studies subjects in perspective.

An example is his drawing “The Perspective of the Bowl”. By the way, Vasari, who was a well-known collector of drawings, is said to have kept several works by Paolo Uccello, including “surprisingly delicate drawings of birds and animals.” They, like those drawings that lay in the chests of the master, disappeared without a trace.

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