Peasant children by Vladimir Makovsky

Peasant children by Vladimir Makovsky

Before us is the famous painting of a famous painter. When you look at it, no pompous feeling is felt. The artist seeks to maximize the natural image of peasant life. He is interested in a special relationship between children who are united by work.

We see that the girl is engaged in needlework, and the woman is spinning with enthusiasm. The dwelling is incredibly miserable. The clothes are very plain. But Makovsky does not seek to criticize it from a social point of view. He uses these details in order to create the most juicy flavor. Bright spots of warm tones are served somewhat decoratively. The coloring of this creation is both contrasting and very warm.

The artist deliberately uses additional colors. The decision, in terms of light, is also significant. Makovsky conveys a special fullness of life in the village, its colorful. Idyllic transfers and crying child, which we see in the center. On the faces of the characters you can see completely different emotions. But at the same time, the tone of the picture as a whole is incredibly calm. The communication of characters occurs without any conflicts. It is harmonious in every gesture and turn of the head.

The picture allows viewers to imagine how peasant children lived. But at the same time, there is no feeling of hopelessness. We understand that Makovsky admires these simple people. He seeks to portray them as clearly and vividly. The beauty of Russian nature, against which the action takes place, is also impressive. The artist portrays it with the most rich colors. All the canvas is flooded with bright light, which gives a special cheerfulness.