Orpheus and Eurydice by Nicolas Poussin

Orpheus and Eurydice by Nicolas Poussin

The wonderful musician and singer Orpheus conquered with his talent not only people, but even gods and nature itself. He was married to the beautiful nymph Eurydice, whom he loved immensely. But the happiness did not last long. Eurydice was bitten by a poisonous snake, and Orpheus was left alone. From the grief that fell on him, Orpheus fell into a deep depression. He performed sad songs in honor of his deceased wife. Together with him mourned Eurydice trees, flowers and herbs. Desperate, Orpheus went to the underworld of the dead God of Hades, where the souls of the dead went to try to rescue his beloved from there.

Reaching the terrible underground river Styx, Orpheus heard loud moans of the souls of the dead. Carrier Charon, who shipped souls to the other side, refused to take it with him. Then Orpheus spent on the strings of his golden cithara and sang. Charon heard and nevertheless transported the singer to Hades. Without stopping playing and singing, Orpheus bowed before the god of the underworld. In the song, he spoke about his love for Eurydice, life without it lost its meaning. The whole kingdom of Hades stood still, everyone listened to the sad confession of the singer and musician. All touched the sadness of Orpheus. When the singer fell silent, silence reigned in the kingdom of gloomy Aida.

Then Orpheus turned to Hades with a request to return his beloved Eurydice to him, promising to return here with his wife at the first request. when the time comes. Hades listened to Orpheus and agreed to fulfill his request, although he had never done this before. But at the same time he set the condition: Orpheus should not look back and turn to Eurydice throughout the entire journey, otherwise Eurydice will disappear. The loving spouses set off on their way back. Hermes with a lantern showed the way. And here the kingdom of light seemed.

For joy, that soon they will be together again, Orpheus forgot about his promise to Aida and looked back. Eurydice stretched out his hands and began to move away. Petrified with grief Orpheus. For a long time he sat on the banks of an underground river, but no one came to him. For three years he lived in deep sorrow and sadness, and then his soul went into the kingdom of the dead to his Eurydice.