Jacob’s Dream by Esteban Murillo

Jacobs Dream by Esteban Murillo

In the Hermitage there is a painting by the Spanish artist Esteban Murillo “The Dream of Jacob”, in which the fabulousness and magic of Jacob’s dream are conveyed. It seems that the artist focused his main attention on the landscape, and not on the biblical plot. The action takes place at night, with the moon, weakly illuminating the cold light of twisted trunks and branches of old trees, a river and a waterfall.

The moonlight, shown through broken dark clouds, is transmitted with special care. The leaves on the branches of old, mighty trees are perceived from a distance as wonderful flowers. Fragile, tender angels, dressed in pink, blue, pale yellow robes, descend and ascend this mysterious staircase.

Against the gloomy night landscape, their clothes and wings shimmer with bright spots. At first, we do not even notice the figure of the sleeping Jacob in light red clothes. The creative imagination of the artist leads the audience away from a detailed account of his extraordinary communion with the Lord. It is much more important to convey the mood, unusual and mysterious of what is happening.

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