Island Lacroix in the fog. Ruan Fog Effect by Camille Pissarro

Island Lacroix in the fog. Ruan Fog Effect by Camille Pissarro

The picture “The Effect of Fog” along with the more famous work “The View from My Window” is Pizarro’s curious stylistic experience. This time the artist became interested in the technique of Sulfur and Signac. These neo-impressionists developed a new method of creating paintings – divisionism, a precursor of pointillism. This technique involves the transfer of images in small dot strokes using a color palette based on the laws of addition and contrast in combination of a particular color.

By the way, the Pissarro’s canvases, written in a new manner, like the canvases of the newly-minted divisionists, were not accepted by the public and were severely attacked by even the most progressive-looking critics. Today’s art critics distinguish the work “The Fog Effect” from a series of paintings written in this manner as the most interesting. The picture is distinguished by a uniform surface texture mainly due to delicate small points, which are almost mathematically verified in size. In addition, each point is incredibly close to the other and performed in a different tone, which creates a unique optical effect – the points merge, turning into a single surface in front of the viewer.

Unusual color is different color coloring of the picture. Looking carefully here you can find white, pink, beige, gray-blue, light green tones. The thinnest color nuance makes the picture sparkle and sparkle, especially in the fragment, where the sun stubbornly breaks through the misty mist.

The space between the factory with a smoking pipe and a small ship parked is created in an amazing way – it is a single ether where the sky and the water completely merge.

Looking at the work of Pissarro, it is impossible not to note the magical lyricism of the work, in this the artist remained true to himself. That is, without looking at any new techniques and methods, the master did not lose his magical gift of poeticizing the surrounding nature, which means that it can be argued that his divisionism or even pointillism is not an imitation of Sulfur or Signacu, but its own vision of this direction, original and special.

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