Painter Averkamp Hendrik in his works shows a lot of busy townspeople, idle gapers and just idlers. And, as a rule, the painter skilfully sketches funny stories, parodies of burgher

Painter Averkamp Hendrik in his works shows a lot of busy townspeople, idle gapers and just idlers. And, as a rule, the painter skilfully sketches funny stories, parodies of burgher
“Skating behind the city walls” – one of the most characteristic works of the Dutchman, written in a silvery range. The colors are carefully selected. Small figures of skaters are
The frozen winter canals of the city become the place of favorite winter entertainments for the townspeople of Kampen. People here skate, carry children on their sleds, drive a ball
A native of Amsterdam – Hendrik Averkamp, spent most of his life in Kampen. Deaf-mute from birth, Averkamp sensitively transmitted what was revealed to his gaze. The artist was the