With Zhdanovichi the artist was in close friendly relations. This family was for Fedotov native. The proximity to the models contributed to the creation of an intimate interpretation of images

With Zhdanovichi the artist was in close friendly relations. This family was for Fedotov native. The proximity to the models contributed to the creation of an intimate interpretation of images
With Zhdanovichi the artist was in close friendly relations. This family was for Fedotov native. The proximity to the models contributed to the creation of an intimate interpretation of images
“Matchmaking Major” – the central product of the mature period in the work of the master. It revealed the principles of his art, his method and skill. For him, Fedotov
The portrait depicts a young woman, with a calm face, with all her features showing directness and openness. She tilted her head a little to one side and looked up,
With Zhdanovichi the artist was in close friendly relations. This family was for Fedotov native. The proximity to the models contributed to the creation of an intimate interpretation of images
“Portrait of the father” can be understood only by delving into the details of the biography of Fedotov: the father wipes his glasses, intending to read the newspaper, and this
Gradually, new and not army acquaintances were started up. Fedotov became close friends with the Flug family, who lived very close to him, on Fifteenth Line of the Vasilievsky Island,
In 1844 Fedotov came out of the stake and decided to realize his dream: to become finally a professional artist. During the day he observed and memorized curious sketches on
This is the most significant portrait of the work of PA Fedotov. As in other works, the artist combines a portrait and a genre problem. He in detail recreates the
The great master, whose brush and eyes are focused on such things that show the variety of colors of life, noticed the moments, the plot of which lay at the
“The senior officers at us are all excellent people, but they keep themselves often away from the junior All the junior officers or outrageous boorish people, or good people, but