As is known, in recent years, Forest Edwards began working under the pseudonym Edward Miller. This decision was made in order to be able to expand the range of creative

As is known, in recent years, Forest Edwards began working under the pseudonym Edward Miller. This decision was made in order to be able to expand the range of creative
British illustrator Les Edwards, known for his work in the field of science fiction, fantasy genres and horror, was born in 1949. During his creative period, the artist created a
Wood Edwards studied at the Art College from 1968 to 1972, in which, he said, he was directly stated that the general opinion of the teaching staff, he could never
The work of Edwards’ Forest on illustrating books covers a large period of the artist’s work. Basically, these were pictures depicting all sorts of horrors – battles, bloodshed, rising from
Of the number of artists who had a significant impact on the work of Edwards, by his own admission, there were two. In the early period, the Edwardian Forest was