Courfestri Friedrich Wise on the hunt by Lucas Cranach

Courfestri Friedrich Wise on the hunt by Lucas Cranach

On the one hand, this is a historical picture, because it depicts a concrete case – a hunt, arranged by the kurfust Frederick the Wise in honor of the Emperor Maximilian.

At the same time, it is one of the best types of nature in European art. Such a fascinating landscape Cranach did not create in his entire life: a panorama with hills and forests, lawns washed by the river; in the hollow there was a town with sharp-pointed spiers of churches; on the hill towers a proud castle.

Dark bunches of trees, bright green meadows, noble gray color of the river and the blue sky create a background on which scattered, like a mosaic of precious stones, figures of people and animals. One after another, episodes of hunting alternate, and it’s difficult to tear your gaze away from this gay, unsophisticated but infinitely entertaining picture.

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