Club of lonely hearts of Sergeant Pepper by Peter Blake

Club of lonely hearts of Sergeant Pepper by Peter Blake

Cover the world-famous album The Beatles “Club of the Lonely Hearts of Sergeant Pepper,” the work of an English pop artist, Peter Blake. In 1967, the cover of this disc became a kind of milestone in the medium of plate-design. Peter Blake, a little-known then a collage artist, got acquainted with Paul McCartney, was invited to design an album of the new Beatles CD. Under the contract with the firm “Parlament” for the work done Peter Blake received 200 pounds sterling.

The album of the band became a historical stage in the further development of rock music and later sold hundreds of millions of copies around the world, bringing the band’s members and Beatles managers billions of dollars in revenue. But Peter Blake with this great success of the group has not received a penny. But the design of the cover for the success of the album is not the last thing, and the conceptual novelty of the picture of the artist Blake undoubtedly contributed to the popularity of the disc. But the Beatles managers seized the recognition of his right to intellectual property as the artist-designer of the album.