“Are there such lights, torments and such power as would overpower the Russian power?” And Gogol knew this, and Lermontov and Pushkin knew all the seers of the Russian ways,

“Are there such lights, torments and such power as would overpower the Russian power?” And Gogol knew this, and Lermontov and Pushkin knew all the seers of the Russian ways,
There is an art that reflects the sensuous reality, and is the art that is addressed to the higher supersensible realms of being. Probably, these directions complement each other, and
Victor Chernovolenko did not just write pictures – he opened windows to out-of-the-way dimensions. Each of his paintings is such a window. The pulsations of the all-pervading life-giving Cosmos permeate
The artistic creativity of Victor Chernovolenko is closely connected with his musical creativity. Not knowing the notes, but possessing a phenomenal hearing, he could improvise for hours at the piano,