Bust of General-Field Marshal of the Most Serene Prince GA Potemkin-Tavrichesky by Fedot Shubin

Bust of General Field Marshal of the Most Serene Prince GA Potemkin Tavrichesky by Fedot Shubin

The portrait is distinguished by a special psychological expressiveness. The artist seeks not only to truthfully convey nature, but also to show her individual character. Shubin’s interest in the character traits of his character gets an in-depth and refined expression.

The sculptor depicts the broad, good-natured face of the Count, skeptical in the halo of lush curls, with a powerful neck protruding from the thin lace of his shirt. On his face a complex expression froze-either fatigue or satiety. Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin – state and military figure, diplomat, earl, since 1784 – general-field marshal.

Governor-General of Novorossiysk, Azov and Astrakhan provinces. In 1783, for the annexation of Crimea to Russia received the title of the most brilliant prince with the name “Tavrichesky”. Since 1784 – President of the Military Collegium. Commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the Russian-Turkish war. Favorite of Empress Catherine II.