Unlike many people in the creative profession who could not accept the ideals and means to achieve the goals of Soviet power and decided to emigrate from the country, Isaak

Unlike many people in the creative profession who could not accept the ideals and means to achieve the goals of Soviet power and decided to emigrate from the country, Isaak
Before us is the magnificent canvas of Brodsky. This picture is really gorgeous. We see the game of the sun, but it is not there at all. The foreground is
Isaak Brodsky is a universally recognized master of writing portraits of the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. He performed many sketches and large paintings. The painting “Lenin
No matter how many painters write new pictures about the onset of spring, they are all so different, and are filled with a special content and vision of this warm
One of the first state artists of the new country, the founder of the official style and the canonical image of the leaders was Isaak Brodsky. Favorite pupil of Ilya