Birth of the Virgin Mary by Vittore Carpaccio

Birth of the Virgin Mary by Vittore Carpaccio

The painting is part of a series of six works dedicated to the life of the Virgin and created by the artist for Scuola degli Albanesi. The canvas shows the skill of Carpaccio in the creation of scenes of everyday life: in all details the furnishing of the living room of the Venetian house of his time is transferred. Holy Anna rests in her bed and receives a guest. One of the maids brings her food. another prepares a bath for bathing a newborn.

In many ways thanks to Carpaccio in the church painting reigned a new type of woman. The saints in ringlets, falling on their cheeks, with a full chest, clearly looming under the corsage, – already have nothing to do with the melancholic female images of Bellini. Not Christian asceticism, but the thirst for sensual pleasures shines in their eyes. The body, which until then was in disgrace, was declared free.

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