Bird in a cage by Nicola Lancre

Bird in a cage by Nicola Lancre

Painting of the French painter Nicolas Lancre “Bird in a cage”. The size of the painting is 44 x 48 cm, oil on canvas. Pictures with a storyline on a theme related to birds, such as, for example, Bird in a Cage, or Bird’s Nest, or Bird Catchers, were very popular in baroque and rococo paintings.

In general body shape and appearance, in size, in the structure of the beak, wings and tail, and in the way of life, birds of song are a great variety. Most of them live in the forests. They feed on grains, insects or other small invertebrates; of songbirds, comparatively very few people do not eat grains at all, such as swallows, or, on the contrary, are exclusively granivorous birds. During nesting, they are always kept in separate pairs, although sometimes, such as rooks or swallows, whole societies start nesting.

At other times of the year, usually form large or small flocks. Most songbirds are migratory birds; some wander in winter. Fly is good, but their flight is usually short. On the ground usually move by jumping. With few exceptions, songbirds benefit humans by exterminating a mass of small insects. Warblers are often kept in cages for the pleasure that a person gives them their singing or their beautiful coloring. Very few of them avoid the proximity of a person and do not settle near residential areas. About half of all known species of birds in general belong to birds that are singing.

The most famous are: siskin, canary, grosbeak, linnet, chaffinch, small bullfinch, big tit, nightingale, robin, varakushka, azure, goldfinch, sparrow, zoryanka, titmouse, red headed, red-headed bird, crossbill, singing song, krashivky, red-headed bird, crossbred, silverhead, singing bird, krasivik, red-headed bird, red-headed bird, crossbird, songbird, singing bird, krasivky, crooked eagle, dipper, starling, redstart, warbler, warbler, oriole. Singing birds – divided into granivorous and insectivorous.

The basis for this division, in addition to food, is also the difference in care and, moreover, the difference in singing. Grain-eating birds are easily made by hand, and soon get used to the ready-made, offered by man food, consisting of grain and white bread. Their singing is not so diverse, the tone of their song is relatively sharp and rough; their singing is appreciated for the selection and length of the knees, for the strength and completeness of the song.

Insectivorous birds require more thorough care and are difficult to get used to the finished feed; Their singing is incomparably more varied and is distinguished by the flexibility of sounds, purity and melody – it is valued for these qualities; some of them sing mostly at night. Birds whose song consists of several knees are called polystrophists, while singing only one knee is called monostrophists. Among the songbirds is also quail. Songbirds are kept in cages, poultry houses, cages and special rooms, in the windows of which frames with a wire net are inserted in the summer.

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