An old dog and an old boat by Eric Fishl

An old dog and an old boat by Eric Fishl

In the picture “The old dog and the old boat” Eric Fischl we see an ugly boat and there are several people and a dog in it. The meaning of the picture is that this boat must inevitably sink, and people on it – perish. Pictures of Fishla leave no one indifferent, they make you think. It does not look like this company of naked men and women on the wrecked travelers.

For example, a person near the dog calmly drinks beer, a young guy crawling on all fours with a dull whining expression on his face, looks over the side of the boat with fear, obviously not understanding what is happening. One of the women sleeps on the mattress in the middle of the boat, the other tries to philosophize. This, of course, is an allegory – people in the picture of a modern American artist burned their useless life, mired in vice and idleness. Such life inevitably leads to death and people in the “boat of life”, knowing about this, have chosen their own destiny.

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