Allegory of Fertility by Jacob Jordaens

Allegory of Fertility by Jacob Jordaens

Painting of the Flemish painter Jacob Jordaens “Allegory of Fertility”. The size of the picture is 180 x 241 cm, canvas, oil. In the 1620s and 1640s the Flemish painter repeatedly turned to the image of abstract-allegorical images.

Such, for example, pictures Jordaens of this theme “Allegory of Fertility” and “Allegory of Abundance”, now stored in many famous museums of the world,.

Perhaps the best picture is the famous canvas of the Brussels Museum “Allegory of Fertility”, in which the figures of goddesses, nymphs, satires and shepherds are characteristically and carefully written out by the artist, while many of the characters are depicted in unconventional classical poses.

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