The sea by Efim Volkov

The sea by Efim Volkov

Painting by Yefim Volkov “Sea” is a sea landscape, written in a realistic manner. The artist in all his works sought to depict nature as close to reality as possible, but, unlike works such as Ivan Shishkin, in addition to realism, they feel a certain romanticism and mystery.

The painting depicts a disturbing sea, the foamy waves of which run one after another on the sandy shore. A small wooden boat on the shore, it seems, can not withstand the elements, it is about to be carried to the open sea. Muddy greenish water raises the surface of algae and sand.

At the top of the picture “Sea” Yefim Volkov painted a gray gloomy sky. Performed in a dark color scheme, it shows us that a thunderstorm and a storm will soon begin.

The work is done in an original manner – the artist used fairly large strokes, which makes it better perceived at some distance – it seems that the sea is becoming quite alive, creating the effect of presence.