The Appearance of the Virgin to the Dominican Saints by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

The Appearance of the Virgin to the Dominican Saints by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

The composition is performed for the altar of the Church of Santa Maria del Rosario in Venice. The Virgin hovers on a throne-like yellow-gold cloud under a canopy on a carefully painted architectural background. Mary is dressed in red and blue robes; it is accompanied by angels. In the foreground are three saints – all members of the Dominican order.

Agnes of Montepulciano sits on the right and looks thoughtfully at a small crucifix. The artist skillfully created the illusion that her dress “invades” the audience’s living space. To her left is St.. Catherine of Siena, with a crown of thorns and a large crucifix, and St. A rose from Lima, holding the Infant Christ in her arms.

The characters of the picture are more like the heroines of the high-flown novel, rather than the saints. In their faces, true pathetic is combined with elegant sensuality, which raises them above ordinary people. At the same time, thanks to the masterfully written down details of everyday life, these women are undoubtedly perceived by the viewer as part of the real world, of everyday life.